Hair Extensions Brazilian Human Hair Hair Extensions Brazilian Human Hair Hair Extensions Brazilian Human Hair Hair Extensions Brazilian Human Hair Hair Extensions Brazilian Human Hair

Hair Extensions Brazilian Human Hair

$25.90  $18.20
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  • Model: ID014194
  • Availability :In Stock
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Product Description

Hair Extensions Brazilian Human Hair

All women’s crowning glory is the hair. It can boost their confidence if their hair looks good. Trending styles of hair that compliments their features are prevalent. Some decide to cut it to achieve the look that they want. But what if after a couple of days you don’t feel happy with the new look that you have? It’s saddening since hair is essential on most girls. Don’t feel sad, our hair extensions Brazilian human hair will help you feel happy again! Our product is the solution to solve your problem.

Style on What Makes You Happy

Do you want your hair styled differently from your usual look? Our hair extensions can help you! You can choose what form do you want to do to your hair when you use this. It can be tied up, straight or curly hair. We have variations on length to choose. When you want to have a summer-look, you can choose the shorter one that is easy to manage. If you’re going to have a mermaid-look, we have long hair that fits your needs! Girls are obsessed with what their hair will appear. If you want your hair short or long, you will probably love this product! And if you feel like wanting your extensions dyed, no worries because you can also color it.

Taking Care of the Extensions

Just like your natural hair, hair extensions require a certain amount of care. If you want this product to make you look beautiful, you need to learn how to maintain them. There are simple steps on how to clean them. First, wet the hair with warm water. Soak this with a mild shampoo for few minutes and rinse it. Next, apply a hair conditioner and rinse it again with clean water. If you are not satisfied, you can repeat the steps. When you finish, cover it with a towel to soak up the water. Lastly, hang the hair with the weft open and air-dry it.

